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The article

  • What is ankle arthropathy? Symptoms, causes. Methods of treatment and diagnosis of ankle arthropathy in a medical center.
    23 December 2023
  • What Causes Pain In The Knee Joint: Diseases And Injuries That Lead To Knee Pain. Diagnosis of pathologies and first aid. How and how to deal with pain - drug therapy, exercise and massage, recipes for folk remedies. Prevention of pain in the knee joints.
    23 February 2022
  • Causes of lower back pain. What diseases of the spine and internal organs are accompanied by back pain. Which doctor to contact. Medications to treat low back pain.
    8 June 2021
  • Osteochondrosis - proper treatment and prevention, causes and stages of osteochondrosis, symptoms, types of osteochondrosis, diagnosis, treatment, medication, manual therapy and massage, preventive measures and diet.
    19 March 2021
  • Why is pain in knees: causes, what to do with it. The anatomical structure of the knee. Causes of pain in the knee. Types of pain in the knee. The diagnosis of the pathologies causes of pain in the knee. The treatment of pain in the knee.
    12 June 2020
  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is an aggressive disease, which manifest a variety of symptoms. Learn how to recognize the disease and how to treat it.
    7 May 2020